Our Works - Porcelli Stone Group

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Our Works

Our passion to your service
we are focused on providing the  finest made in Italy stone's products and services with the highest  levels of customer satisfaction – we will do everything we can to meet  your expectations.
other jobs
1. Ashley Tower - Tampa street project, Tampa FL - William Tile & Terrazzo - Atlanta, GA - U.S.A.
2. Third National Bank - Nashville, TN - U.S.A.
3. Crescent Center - U.S.A.
4. Semiramis Hotel - Cairo, Egypt
5. Fairlane Plaza - U.S.A.
6. Beverly Wilshire - U.S.A.
7. A.C.C. Parking - U.S.A.
8. Kravis Center - U.S.A.
9. Reston 1B2 project - David Allen Company, Raleigh, NC - U.S.A.
10. San Francisco Center - U.S.A.
11. Stonestown - San Francisco - U.S.A.
12. National Business PArk - Walker &Zanger, Inc. - Job 5984 - U.S.A.
13. Williams Plaza phase II - Walker & Zanger, Inc. - job 5948 - U.S.A.
14. Job 6137 Walker & Zanger, Inc. - U.S.A.
15. Harrisburg Hilton Hotel - Walker & Zanger, Inc - job 6072 - U.S.A.
16. Job 5901 - Walker & Zanger, Inc. - U.S.A.
17. Al Safa Palace addition - Makkah - Saudi Binladin Group - Saudi Arabia
18. Al Safa Diwan project - Makkah - Saudi Binladin group - Saudi Arabia

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